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EPub3 e-books
For most modern ebook reading devices (including the Amazon Kindle when using the Send to Kindle email service), the EPUB format is almost always the best format to use for reading ebooks.
Particular devices (amongst others) that support the EPUB format include:
Apple devices (iPhone, Ipod Touch, iPad) using the appropriate reader software, including Bluefire, Kobo iOS app, Kindle iOs app and iBooks
Android devices, using apps such as the Google Play Books app and the Kobo app for Android
Windows devices, using apps such as the Kobo app for Windows 8
Kobo devices
Several EPUB reading applications are freely available, including Adobe Digital Editions, available for most devices. For Amazon Kindle devices and Kindle Apps, you can use Amazon's Send to Kindle by Email service to upload an EPUB file to your Kindle device or application.
(Mebooks https://mebooks.co.nz/)