Matariki marks the passage of another year; a time both to remember the dead and to celebrate new life; to reflect on the previous year, and to let it go; to look to the promise of a new season and a new year. In the past, in the cold months around Matariki, people would gather to keep warm, share kai and share knowledge through pūrākau (stories) and song . . . the Matariki/Winter Reading Catalogue from Kete & The Coalition for Books presents some books to keep you warm this winter.
Read the catalogue online here or in the latest Listener magazine.
OneTree House books included are:
The Life and Times of Eddie McGrath, by Brigid Feehan, $24
ISBN: 9781990035005
Eddie has won an essay competition but she turns the prize down. A spirited story about the times when what we think we don’t want, turns out to be more than we could hope for.
Three Scoops, by David Hill, $24
ISBN: 9781990035029
Three moments in time from one of New Zealand’s favourite writers of junior fiction.
Protest! Shaping Aotearoa, by Mandy Hager, $40 (out in August).
ISBN: 9780995117693
A look at protest in New Zealand: from Hone Heke to Parihaka to the land march, votes for women, the nuclear test ban, to climate change marches.
Lit: stories from home, edited by Elizabeth Kirkby-McLeod, $29
ISBN: 9781990035067
Sixteen stories from Aotearoa exploring ideas about identity, activism awareness, coming-of-age, society, and family.
Rush! Rush!, by Eleanor de Roo, illustrated by Jenny Cooper, $30
ISBN: 9780995117617
A wonderfully lyrical read-aloud poem describing the joyous run from home to the beach, with all the sights, sounds and smells that capture the moment - interpreted by award-winning illustrator Jenny Cooper.