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OneTree House is interested in hearing from New Zealand writers who: 

  • have already been published, OR

  • are registered with a literary agency, OR

  • have used the services of a registered manuscript assessor prior to submission

If you are one or all of these please use the submission instructions below.

Books for young children are usually short. Young children themselves are usually short. This leads to an assumption that children have small brains and that writing for them is easy. The reverse is true. Young children have large, active brains, and writing for them is enormously difficult. It is even more difficult than writing for adults since only the best is good enough for children — the best words in the best places, and the best characters in the best stories.                                           Mem Fox

Submissions Instructions:
Please send your submission as an attachment to an introductory email. The format should be a word document for the text and any Illustrations should be attached as PDFs.
Email to:

To Submit

Junior and Young Adult Novels

Please send a synopsis and the first three chapters, typed on A4, double spaced, with an accompanying letter of introduction, including any promotional links you think applicable.

To Submit

Non-Fiction Texts 

We are happy to look at proposals. Please send an outline of the topic, the intended audience, and the scope envisaged, along with any promotional links you think applicable.

To Submit

Picture Books Texts 

Please send the text typed on one or two A4 pages only, double spaced, as a word document (with one illustration as a PDF only if you wish to illustrate the finished work yourself).

Please include a letter of introduction and any ideas you have regarding the illustration and/or promotion of the finished work.

To submit


We are happy to accept artwork samples from New Zealand based illustrators, or New Zealand illustrators now living overseas.

Please email a portfolio of 6-10 samples of your work in JPEG or PDF form (5MB size limit) along with the necessary contact information (name, email, telephone and address) include Illustrator submission in the subject line.

If we find that your illustration style is suitable for our list we will file a copy for future consideration.


Quick links: 

Contact Us   |   Submissions   |   Catalogues |   Teacher's Notes   |   Bookstores   |   Sales and Distribution   |   Reviews

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The Scott Family

© 2020 OneTree-House. This site and all products contained in our publishing programme are the property of Onetree House under international copyright law. No images, extracts, or text can be reproduced, reprinted or stored in any retrieval system without the expressed permission of Onetree House Ltd, this applies to all our products.

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